Basic guide
this section is WIP
Building generator pipeline in a nutshell
1. create source-scene with custom prefabs OR adjust prefabs in existing scenes
2. choose block type you like in Block preview window
2. create prefab block - from custom amount of rows / columns, OR from spline / box
3. start editing functions - replacing prefabs, extrude walls, add chimneys, populate walls with additional objects like gutters, pipes etc.
4. replace prefab with final geometry (optional). As source prefabs are instances this should be easy
5. Optionally collapse building into one piece and auto-weld verticles
what are prefabs?
Building generator is based on prefabs. Prefabs means prepared (predefined geometry), which can be for example wall, roof, chimney.
Script work with referenced geometry (support of instances is planned), so prefab geometry don`t need to to be final. For faster production prefab can be in graybox state, this will allow to work very fast. After block asset is done, you can replace prefabs with final geometry (with more polygons, UV mapping etc)
Prefabs have to respect some simple rules, like dimensions or pivot placing for more detailed info about this see section Guide for custom prefabs
prefabs are merged automatically into current maxfile after plugin starts from source scene . You can find those prefabs in layer source segments, but you don`t need to care about this layer most of time and i recommend to keep it hidden..
Script is using prefabs from source scene for creating blocks, that can be later easily edited. All operations what script does is nondestructive, that mean script is only duplicates / rotate / move / adding slice to prefabs,
Source scene:
Source scene is special maxfile where prefabs are stored. There are 2 example source scenes included in script - One for creation of Building and second for Castles.
You can freely use or adjust those scenes, but you can also create your own source scenes, which will allow to fully use script potential.
You can change source scene by click on Source file at Source Prefabs window.

You can find source scene MAX here: c:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2022 - 64bit\ENU\usermacros\building_generator\.
tip: you can find merged prefabs layer source_segments, which is hidden by default. But generally you don`t need to care about this layer when editing building too much.
TIP: Editing source_segments layer could be handy if you want to edit prefab geometry. In that case you can edit prefabs in this layer, while you have preview of your edits on building.. Then you save edited prefabs as New source scene.
Create block
There 2 basic ways how plugin create block of geometry.
manually setup number of Front / side / roof segments and click on "create block" button. Prefab block (for example building ) is created and ready to next edits..
Create Splines or Boxes that will define block volume. . Then click on "Pick spline or box button" and pick box/ spline in scene. Next click "create block" button and again, prefab block is created, according on spline shape of box volume..
Create block from box
this creates block that will fit size (bounding box) of box (or any geometry). So you can easily create few boxes that represents city volume and then create buildings that will have dimensions of those boxes very fast.
Create block from shape
using shape - Shape defines "ground plan". It needs to be aligned on ground (z toward top).. Shape needs to be flat, closed and consist from "corner" type points.
For exteriors shape have to be created counter - clock wise, for interiors clock-wise.